Scholl Corn Foam Cushions have a dual layer of foam for maximum cushioning and pressure relief for corns. The bottom layer has a low density, making it soft and comfortable. The top layer is denser and firmer to absorb pressure and protect tender areas. The cushions are D-shaped, to allow sufficient area for sticking so that they stay firmly in place.
Ensure feet are clean and dry Remove the foam cushion from the backing paper and place it centrally over the corn (adhesive side down), so that the oval shape is lengthways on the toe When using this product to protect a soft corn between the toes, place the cushion between the toes so that the flat edge is against the junction where the two toes meet Press gently on the cushion for a few moments to stick it in place Apply a new cushion daily If the corn persists one of the Scholl corn removal products should be used to remove it (Scholl Corn Removal Plasters, Scholl 2 in 1 Corn Express Pen, Scholl Corn Removal Pads ) [insert hyperlinks to these products]